A hard-headed update

My mom visited this past week and it was SO great to have her in town. It’s also so interesting to have her around to watch our household dynamics from an “outsider” perspective but since she isn’t really an outsider, she’s able to actually tell me what she sees. You know, she noticed Jordan is…

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That hard headed challenge

What to do. What to do. Miss Jordan has a hard head. She’s strong willed. She’s a beast in a good and bad way. But I’ll be honest. I’m a bit stumped with this young lady. In the last year, she’s lost the fear of the adults who are trying to help lead her and…

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We're leaving town… So be a better kid!

I stay pretty positive on this blog… so I have to be honest. Miss Jordan is stubborn. Really stubborn. And bossy. And her newest thing is when she doesn’t want to listen, she sits down. She just stops where she is and sits. Grrrr. To make this more difficult, we’re headed out of town. I’m…

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Super silly

Jordan is a kick. She is SO stubborn. She’s so stubborn that you have to laugh. Her new thing is to take a stand. A loud and screaming stand. It is so appropriate since she’s my kid. But today was a turning point. She talked back at me. I was telling her that we were…

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Stubborn. Just plain stubborn.

I’ve watched Jordan move more and more into a very stubborn mode. It’s standard with a two-year-old. The funny thing is it doesn’t make me mad most of the time. It makes me proud. That stubborn attitude finally has her WALKING UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS BY HERSELF! I know that doesn’t sound like a…

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